Apicoectomy: Close to Sinus

A 51-year-old female presented with discomfort associated with the upper left posterior quadrant. Discomfort consisted of sinus pressure on the left side and a constant dull ache. Radiolucent areas were present at the apex of tooth #13 & #15. A bridge was present from tooth #12 to #15. Tooth #13 had an old silver point root canal and a post. Tooth #15 had an incomplete root canal and a post in the palatal canal. In addition, a separated file was present in the bone beyond the apex of the palatal root. Treatment consisted of surgical removal of the separated file and an apicoectomy/retrograde on all roots.

Pre-operative X-ray showing radiolucent areas and separated file
image of an apicoectomy that is close to the sinus
Post-op X-ray with all roots sealed with super EBA cement (1999)
image of an apicoectomy that is close to the sinus
6 month recall showing bone regeneration at the apex of tooth #13 & 15
image of an apicoectomy that is close to the sinus
 Summary: The sinus pressure and dull ache subsided within 3 weeks after surgery. Bone is starting to fill in at the apex of both teeth.